Denton, NC | (336) 517-7155



Common Auto Myths Debunked

So often we just do things the way that we have always done them, or the way that other people tell us to. Motoring is no exception to this. People are always giving us their 2 cents – ‘driving with the windows down increases drag’, ‘you should buy gas in the morning...

Essential Summer Boat Maintenance Tips

Are you planning on making the most of the warm summer weather by taking a trip on your boat? Without a doubt, the best thing about being a boat owner is the freedom to travel wherever your heart desires. That feeling of liberty is unparalleled. But, that...

Save Money by Doing Your Own Bike Maintenance

How much money have you spent on mechanic’s fees since buying your first motorcycle? Most motorcycle owners take their vehicle for a service at least twice a year, and it can cost up to hundreds of dollars a time. One great way to reduce the number of...

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Thank you for visiting our new blog page. We will be updating our page with interesting and useful posts in the very near future, so do visit us again soon.

In the meantime, for any questions or queries, please get in...

Synthetic Oil – What Is All the Fuss About?

Synthetic oils are everywhere. You’ve seen the infomercials, you’ve read the magazine articles, you’ve seen them in the store. Ted down the road has a sports car, and he’s raving about how much better synthetic oils are, but your neighbor, Bob, says...